Wednesday, July 20, 2011


So it's been awhile buut....

10. My computer broke in I've been without it for over a week now and it's driving me nuts.
9. I went back to Pokhara where I hiked two mornings in a row and witnessed the most breathtaking views of the Himalayas.
8. Yesterday we watched a Hindi movie...that was 3.5 hours long...and the most ridiculous thing ever.
7. I was told by a 2 year that he loves me. Also i got like 7 kisses. Bestdayever.
6. We met with new investigative head of Tiny Hands and I felt like I was meeting a celebrity. He has worked with trafficking issues in 18 different the head guy. Really cool and slightly intimidating.
5. Cows in the middle of street no longer phase me.
4. I realized that my heart is slowly but surely breaking over the gender inequality and poverty I see everyday.
3. Went to Harry Potter tonight with 6 people shoved in an itttty bitty taxi. Got a huge bucket of popcorn and a soda. Walked in literally right as the opening scene was starting. People tend to talk a lot in movies and crunch their popcorn really loud here. And...
2. There was an INTERVAL right smack dab in a really intense scene in the movie. I screamed out "what?!" in the movie theater. Turns out people need breaks during movies here.
1. We have been given our "tasks" for the next 2 weeks and mine are to create a games and recreation handbook for the children's homes, doing training sessions with the Tiny Hands staff, giving healthy living presentations, and working with women empowerment and advocacy ideas. It is going to be amazing and soo busy!


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